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Togakure Ryū Ninpō

Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi was born on December 2, 1931 in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.

Hatsumi Sensei inherited the title of 34th Sōke (head of the family)  from his teacher Takamatsu Toshitsugu who also inherited from his grandfather and 32nd Sōke, Toda Shinryuken Masamitsu.

Hatsumi Sensei retired from active instruction since 2020.

Hatsumi Sensei

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Togakure Ryū​ (戸隠流)


The "Concealing Door" ninjutsu school. This ryū forms much of the basis for the Ninjutsu techniques taught by Hatsumi Sensei under the Bujinkan Association of Japan. This system is famous for its use of weapons such as shuko and shuriken. It was founded by Daisuke Togakure in the late 1100s and is part of the oral traditions from the famous Iga region that ends in the village of Togakure today's known as Togakushi located in the Nagano prefecture, Japan.​


Disclaimer: At North Jersey Bujinkan the training program emphasize in the study of the Togakure Ryū.

Togakure Ryū Lineage

  1. Togakure (Nishina), Daisuke Oho circa 1161

  2. Minamoto no Kanesada, Shima Kosanta 1180

  3. Togakure, Goro 1200

  4. Togakure, Kosanta

  5. Koga, Kosanta

  6. Kaneko, Tomoharu

  7. Togakure, Ryuho

  8. Togakure, Gakuun

  9. Kido, Koseki

  10. Iga, Tenryu

  11. Ueno, Rihei

  12. Ueno, Senri

  13. Ueno, Manjiro

  14. Iizuka, Saburo

  15. Sawada, Goro

  16. Ozaru, Ippei

  17. Kimata, Hachiro

  18. Kataoka, Heizaemon

  19. Mori, Ugenta

  20. Toda, Gobei

  21. Kobe, Seiun

  22. Momochi, Kobei

  23. Tobari, Tenzen

  24. Toda, Nobutsuna Seiryu Kwanyei circa 1624 - 1644

  25. Toda, Nobuchika Fudo Manji circa 1658 - 1681

  26. Toda, Kangoro Nobuyasu Tenna circa 1681 - 1704

  27. Toda, Eisaburo Nobumasa Hoyei circa 1704 - 1711

  28. Toda, Shinbei Masachika Shotoku circa 1711 - 1736

  29. Toda, Shingoro Masayoshi Gembun circa 1736 - 1764

  30. Toda, Daigoro Chikahide Meiwa circa 1764 - 1804

  31. Toda, Daisaburo Chikashige Bunkwa circa 1804 - ?

  32. Toda, Shinryuken Masamitsu ? - 1909 (b.1824 - d.1909)

  33. Takamatsu, Toshitsugu Uoh 1907 - 1972 (b.1887 - d.1972)

  34. Hatsumi, Masaaki (Yoshiaki) 1968 - (b.1931)

  35. Takumi, Tsutsui (b.1964)

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Togakure Ryū Happō Hiken

It is important to understand that Ninjutsu is not a martial arts as people may believe, it is a warfare training performed by individuals who spent their lives in the refinement of its techniques, tactics and strategy. 


Hatsumi Sensei taught: The life of a Shinobi started with the ninja hachimon. Over time, however, this changed so that greater weight was placed on Happō Hiken. the Shinobi Happō Hiken consists of the following:

1. Taijutsu, Hichō-jutsu, nawa-nage (body skills and rope throwing)
2. Karate Koppō Taijutsu, Jūtaijutsu (unarmed fighting)
3. Sōjutsu, Naginata-jutsu (spear and halberd arts)
4. Bōjutsu, Jō-jutsu, Hanbō-jutsu (staff and stick arts)
5. Senban nage, Ken-nage-jutsu, Shuriken (throwing blades)
6. Kajutsu, Sui-jutsu (use of fire and water)
7. Chikujō Gunryaku Hyōhō (military fortification, strategy and tactics.)
8. Onshin-jutsu (concealment)


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The branches listed above were known as Happō (eight methods), and were supplemented by Hikenjutsu (secret sword arts; 秘剣), in other words, the shinobi sword, kodachi, jutte, and tessen, to complete the Ninja Happō Hiken.

As indicated by Hatsumi Sensei, the Happō Hiken is just the initial training route, however the Shinobi art becomes more complex throughout the time. The additional skills of the Shinobi are listed in the 18 skills of the Ninpō Taijutsu:

18 skills of the Ninpō Taijutsu


  1. Seishin teki kyoyo (spiritual refinement)

  2. Taijutsu (unarmed combat)

  3. Ninja ken (ninja sword)

  4. Bojutsu (stick and staff fighting)

  5. Shurikenjutsu (throwing blades)

  6. Yarijutsu (spear fighting)

  7. Naginatajutsu (halberd fighting)

  8. Kusarigama (chain and sickle weapon)

  9. Kayakujutsu (fire and explosives)

  10. Hensojutsu (disguise and impersonation)

  11. Shinobi iri (stealth and entering methods)

  12. Bajutsu (horsemanship)

  13. Sui ren (water training)

  14. Bo-ryaku (strategy)

  15. Cho ho (espionage)

  16. Intonjutsu (escape and concealment)

  17. Ten-mon (meteorology)

  18. Chi-mon (geography)


My art is, if I am confronted (by an enemy), (I) defeat them. (Then) just pray (for the enemy's dead soul).
If I am not confronted, I do not use my art

Toda Shinryūken, 32nd Sōke of Togakure Ryū

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